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Safeguarding Policy

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Safeguarding Children and Vulnerable Adults

[short] Policy


As a community, we consider the safeguarding of children and vulnerable adults to be a key part of our charity. As such, we will always respond to any concerns in compliance with UK statute and guidance.


This short policy document should be read in the context of these guidelines.


A safeguarding concern is any situation where a volunteer or other person has reason to believe that:

• a child may be being abused emotionally, physically, sexually or spiritually

• a vulnerable adult may be being neglected or abused emotionally, physically, sexually, financially or spiritually


For definitions of a child, a vulnerable adult, abuse or neglect, refer to the full policy.

Vulnerability arises from the nature of activities in which the person needs help and is not a description of that person.

Definition of an adult at risk: Aged 18 years or over; who may be in need of community care services by reason of mental or other disability, age or illness; and who is or may be unable to take care of himself or herself, or protect him or herself against significant harm or exploitation. (source: NHS)


In the event of witnessing behaviour which causes you concern (including the behaviour of an adult towards a child or vulnerable adult), or if a child or vulnerable adult informs you of something which causes you concern, you should immediately contact by text message [without any details] a member of the Safeguarding Team:


Dr Nahla Eltinay 07888 132888


Do not share concerns by email, and do not share with anyone outside the Safeguarding Team.


The Safeguarding Team will keep a record of the discussion, in line with Data Protection legislation. In consultation with the safeguarding team, a decision will be made as to what further action (if any) is appropriate, including referral to other agencies where relevant.


If you are working with children or vulnerable adults, you must familarise yourself with the relevant guidance, contained within the Safer Recruitment Policy. Copies of these are available from the safeguarding team or online.


Please be aware of any additional vulnerabilities eg. disability (including learning disability), young people at risk of sexual exploitation, domestic abuse, mental health problems, homelessness, substance and alcohol misuse, risk of radicalisation.

Both adults and children may be at risk of trafficking, modern day slavery, forced marriage and FGM, it is important to be aware of the groups most at risk and those from communities that practise FGM.


Children or vulnerable adults may ask you not to tell anybody about what they disclose to you. Do not promise to keep it a secret. Explain that you will only tell the people who need to know in order to keep them and others safe.


The policy of WRP is to request DBS clearance for adults leading workers dealing directly with children and vulnerable adults, and for those in positions of trust.


In using mobile phones, email or social media to communicate with children and young people or vulnerable adults, please be aware of the guidelines laid out in the WRP Data Protection Policy.


For any specific issues, speak to a member of the Safeguarding Team.


Approved by WRP trustees.

This document will be revised annually.


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